The Ushers are there to open the church, answer any of your questions, and provide help when needed. They insure an atmosphere of order and security in the church and maintain an even flow of movement to Communion.
An Usher is responsible for coordinating the offertory collection and any second collections, making sure there are collectors in each aisle.
After Communion, they put out bulletins for the people to take as they leave the church. When the Mass has been completed, they prepare the church for the next mass. If there are no more Masses that day, they secure the church.
The Ushers are needed for all weekend and Holy Day Masses. Usually, there are two ushers at these Masses and they may be men or women. Proper attire is expected of all Ushers to show professionalism and respect for the celebration of the Mass.
If they are unable to attend the Mass to which they have been assigned/volunteered, they need to arrange for a substitute.
If you wish to be a part of this ministry, please call the parish office at (504) 362-5511 and give them your name and phone number, and you will be contacted.